Your company's marketing strategy is not to your complete satisfaction? We offer you to take stock of the two methods of Outbound Marketing and Inbound Marketing in order to implement an effective global marketing strategy within your company and significantly improve your ROI.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound Marketing can be translated as "inbound targeting". It refers to all the methods that a company can use to bring the customer to it. Much less intrusive and aggressive than Outbound Marketing, this strategy involves knowing your market inside out. In fact, a company that has a good understanding of its target's needs has every chance of succeeding in implementing an effective strategy. Of course, this is a method that only proves to be effective in the long term.
What is Outbound Marketing?
Outbound Marketing can be translated as "outbound marketing". It refers to all the traditional marketing techniques: telephone prospecting, TV or radio advertising, e-mailing or even street marketing actions. A company that uses the Outbound strategy enters into direct contact with its potential customers in order to sell its product. To do so, it will buy advertising inserts on websites and set up e-mailings. The company's sales staff will also contact prospects by telephone. Outbound Marketing therefore makes it possible to obtain results in the short term: if an advertisement is broadcast for 5 days, sales will be boosted during those few days, rarely more. It should also be taken into account that this strategy, often considered intrusive, does not necessarily have a very good image with the general public.
The winning strategy: combining Outbound and Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing being a less expensive and more qualitative strategy, it could be tempting to abandon traditional techniques in its favour. However, setting up an Inbound strategy takes a lot of time and the results take time to appear. The best thing to do is to use both approaches. They are not opposed, they are complementary. Inbound is an effective method to improve your brand image. You can make an e-mailing less aggressive and more relevant to your prospects by including tips for use and a video presentation. And, the Outbound Marketing method can be very effective in promoting your Inbound actions.
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